With everything happening and the rainy days, we've been indoors alot. So I pulled out a few new things we can do around the house.
Nendo (ねんDo), which is just like play-dough made of flour is 630 Yen for 12 colors. It's soft and easy to play with for kids.

Sota's loved coloring for awhile now

but lately he's into the Hiragana coloring book. But rather than the coloring, he grabs his pencil and tells me he's studying.

Hiragana is still too early for him but since he's showing interest, I've gradually been teaching him how to write his name. They have an ABC version of this so if you're kid like Anpanman, it might be good to grab their interest with Anpanman.
Everytime I stand in the kitchen, Sota drags the dining room chair to the kitchen and says he wants to help. So I decided to buy him his own knife. There are plastic kinds, or knives with animation but since it's not a toy I bought one looking like the real thing...Kai Jirushi is the brand sold for about 600Yen. He's very careful when he uses it and helps me cut veggies for dinner, so it's actually quite helpful.

If you're interested, all this stuff can be bought at Akachan Honpo.